PASC Annual Awards and Ceilidh
Congratulations to Team Porty on achieving Aqua Mark. The banner is seen here at the Portobello Awards and Ceilidh Night at Bellfield on Saturday 18th January 2025
It was great to see so many families there, celebrating our swimmers and water polo players and having a good old shindig. Hopefully nobody will be missing training this week as a result of ceilidh injuries!
Thank you very much to Cat, Daisy, Liz and the Social Commitee for organising such a wonderful event and for securing the venue, the entertainment and the catering. Thanks to everyone who pulled together to set-up and tidy-away before and afterwards. Thank you to Laird O The Dance for providing the music. Thanks to Gail and Claire for organising all the impressive silverware. Thanks to our fabulous coaches Andy, Isla, Anna, Claire, Tom, Daniel, Ben, Neilson, Ray, Gregor, Gael and Ben W for supporting our athletes throughout the year. Thank you to our committee of dedicated volunteers who ensure the smooth running of the club. Thank you to all our parents for the lift shares, the early starts, the cheering on from poolside. There would be no club without all your support. And finally, well done swimmers and water polo players on all your hard work and commitment over the last year. Keep swimming!
Well done, Team Porty!